Reg Form for All Legal Courses at
Legal Field Careers

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Registration - Application Form
Simply fill out this brief form and we'll help you get started on your
Legal Career Today!

Please fill out all boxes as completely as you can.

*All fields marked with an * Asterisk are Mandatory.
Your request is important to us, if you don't fill in the required fields we won't know who to contact. Thank you for your cooperation.

*Course applying for:

*Please designate what School you will be attending, check one:

*Start date of course:

*Will you be paying in Full?:

*Will you be using the prestructured payment plan?:

*Payment Method - How will you be paying, ie; check, m.o., employer, cash, credit card?

Note: For security purposes, we recommend you call us when making payment by credit card.

How did you hear of us? Note:  LA Valley College state (LAVC) or THORNHILL's Legal Field Careers state (LFC), or list name of other,source, etc. Thank you this helps us to provide a better user experience for all.

*First Name:
*Last Name:

*Phone Home:

*Example: 2323233223

Cell Ph:

Wrk Ph:

Emergency Contact Name:

Emergency Contact Ph:

Colleges attended; List colleges and dates attended, if any, and if Graduated:
Note: If attaching a document please state 'document attached'

Certificates earned:
*Note: If attaching a document please state 'document attached'

Work History:
Note: If attaching a document please state 'document attached'

Present Employer:

Present Employer Phone:



Legal Field Careers


Sign up now for the Legal Field Careers extention course of your choice and get started on a Rewarding and Exciting career in the legal field.

Please fill in all of the details and be as descriptive as possible. If we need to contact you we will do so either by phone or email.

Let us know if you have any trouble filling out your application and we'll be glad to assist you.

Remember, courses are limited in number so Hurry and get Registered today! Don't put off your legal career any longer.


Phone: (818) 997-0967 • Fax: (818) 947-2940




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Phone: 818-997-0967